Alleged Third Secret handwriting attributed to
Sister Lucy appears to be a forgery!
Speckin Forensic Laboratories, an international forensic firm
specializing in forgeries and handwriting (famous for the JonBenet Ramsey
case) states, "it is my opinion, based on the documents examined, that
the Questioned Document 'Third Secret' can not be identified with the
purported known writings of Sister Lucy." (Speckin
Report, p. 2)
Another report from a handwriting expert (click here)
Known writings of Sister Lucy from past correspondence:
Questioned Document - The handwriting in the alleged Third
Secret released by the Vatican on June 26th, 2000:
(Letter of April 13, 1980)

the difference in the J)
(Letter of December 17, 1927
(Letter of May 29, 1930)
of November 17, 1935)
(Letter of April 13, 1980)


of December 17, 1927)
(Letter of May 29, 1930)

of November 17, 1935)
(Letter of
April 13, 1980)

examine both columns, and compare:
Neatness of handwriting, (2) Slant of handwriting:

of December 17, 1927)

of May 29, 1930)

of November 17, 1935)

of April 13, 1980)

postmarked July 13, 1989 to Arthur Skinner)

(Letter of
December 17, 1927, many other examples in letter)
of May 29, 1930)

of November 17, 1935, many other examples in letter)

of April 13, 1980)

postmarked July 13, 1989 to Arthur Skinner)

(note that in Sister Lucy's authentic handwriting, the "h" barely
goes below the baseline)

of December 17, 1927, many other examples in letter)

of November 17, 1935)
of April 13, 1980)
postmarked July 13, 1989 to Arthur Skinner)

of "Tuy":
of May 29, 1930)

Letter of December 17, 1927
(5 pages, click on letter for higher resolution):

of May 29, 1930:

Letter of November 17, 1935
(click on letter for higher resolution):

Letter of April 13, 1980 to
Fr. Umberto Pasquale:

Letter postmarked July 13, 1989 to Arthur Skinner
larger picture, click on letter below:)

know from Fatima historians and reliable witnesses that the real
Third Secret is:
- on a
sheet of paper:
- Sister Lucy:
On January 9, 1944, Sister Lucy wrote to Bishop da Silva: "I have
written what you asked me; God willed to try me a little, but finally
this was indeed His will: [the text] is sealed in an envelope and it is
on a piece of notepaper..." (quoted by Father
Joaquin Alonso, official archivist of Fatima, "Fatima 50,"
October 13, 1967, p. 11).
- Father Alonso
and Cardinal Ottaviani: “Lucia tells us that she
wrote it on one sheet of paper. Cardinal Ottaviani, who has read it,
tells us the same thing: 'She has written on one sheet of paper
(folha in Portuguese) what Our Lady told her to tell the Holy
Father.'" (The Secret of Fatima: Fact and Legend, Fr.
Joaquin Alonso, p. 65).;
- Bishop
Venancio: He related that once he was by
himself, he took the great envelope of the Secret and tried to look
through it and see the contents. In the bishop's large envelope he
discerned a smaller envelope, that of Sister Lucy, and inside this
envelope an ordinary sheet of paper with margins on each
side of three quarters of a centimeter. He took the trouble to note the
size of everything. Thus the final Secret of Fatima was written on a
small sheet of paper. (The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. III,
Bro. Michael of the Holy Trinity, p. 481)
- approximately 23
alleged "Third Secret":

electronic form of this document is copyrighted.
Copyright © These Last Days Ministries, Inc. 2000 All rights
Revised: October 14, 2004