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Virgo Maria Newsletter N°125

November 28th 2008The voice of fighters for survival of valid sacraments

The Last News...

The failure of the snare procession of ‘reconciliation’ of Lourdes falls upon Father de Cacqueray

Friday, November 28th 2008 Publication

FSSPX Lourdes 2008Suresnes (Headquarters of SSPX in France, Paris) tries to clear itself. The conciliar counterfeit « priest »  (white alb) leads the procession-gathering : the conciliar ones on the left side and the SSPX clergy (3+1 bishops) at the right side. Who wanted to  betray Archbishop Lefebvre ? The « little Assisi » of the SSPX in Lourdes has provoked a rejection by many of the laity and the clergy. During the pilgrimage of the SSPX to Lourdes on the 25th of October 2008, the arrangements of the priests of Suresnes propelled the clergy and the laity in a hybrid procession, directed by the conciliar authorities in charge of the sanctuary. Some priests left the procession. In the evening, the protests of the laity multiplied, and at the end of the evening about one hundred worshippers made a scandal in front of the bishops, in their hotel. Faced with the fiasco of his organisation, Father  De Cacqueray tries to clear himself, blaming  «a problem of getting through to the microphone ». The snare procession, initiated by the infiltrated core, has failed and it has shown the deep rejection of a hypothetical accord with Rome.


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