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Virgo Maria Newsletter N°71

September 8th 2008The voice of fighters for survival of valid sacraments

The Last News...

The gay predator priest Urrutigoity protected by Bishop Williamson (COMPLETE STUDY)

September 7th 2008 Publication

Bishop Williamson

EXHAUSTIVE TRANSLATION OF FRENCH STUDY (COMPLETE DOCUMENT) - The gay predator priest Urrutigoity protected by the former Anglican Bishop Williamson-‘Cunctator’ with the Rose. A gay priest, ordained in the FSSPX, protected by Bishop Williamson and denounced by Mgr Fellay. What does this protection mean ? Why did it last so long ? (10 years). Do we have to consider from now on the hypothesis of a gay network having infiltrated the FSSPX ? Would Bishop Williamson prefer being gay more than thinking the « sedevacantist » way ? With Appendixes. »      (More…)

More… - Download in PDF PDF      ENGLISH

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